There's a tiny section of the video game market that is developing games like it's the 90s/00s. As far as I am aware, none of these games are "pure", but lean heavily into the aesthetic and tech available at the time, and take advantage of the advances made since then.

I'm currently developing Metropolis 1998

The game is 2D (sprite based), stylized in the classic isometric perspective that was common in the 90s/00s (Rollercoaster Tycoon, SimCity 2000/3000, XCom, Zoo Tycoon, etc). A lot of these games used 3D models to output sprites, though I decided to take the hand-pixeled approach.

Other games in this area include:

D.O.R.F Real Time Strategy

A beautiful looking RTS reminiscent of Command and Conquer and Starcraft.


I think everyone knows of this game.

If I missed any, please list them in the comments!