I liken it to the “bicycle for the mind”, it enables more people to do great things - but in the hands of a skilled master it can be quite something.
At one time artists could only make one of something. Later with 4 colour processes you could make a lot of something so that more persons could have and enjoy the creation. With digitsl even more could enjoy something - created by a master or not.
To me, the demo has something morbid about it. It's a bit like demoing a generative AI interface with Hayao Miyazaki, showing how everybody can now impersonate his style – and everything that had been sacred to him, like the combination of craftsmanship and imagination to capture a personal expression of a fragile world – by typing a few careless words into a chat prompt. ("Totoro in a vintage seaplane, Miyazaki, award winning, high resolution.")
In the era of dall-e or midjourney feels like a cheat code in comparison.