> Competitive Analysis: Macintosh vs. MS-DOS & OS/2 Machines

Sneaky Apple marketing considering (afaict) Windows was already outselling OS/2 even before the 1990 launch of Windows 3.0.

https://books.google.com/books?id=uzsEAAAAMBAJ&pg=PT33&#... sez “Windows sales for 1988 — 1 million”

https://www.theregister.com/Print/2012/11/27/the_os_wars_os2.../ cites Big Blues: The Unmaking of IBM for some OS/2 sales figures in a passage otherwise talking about Windows 3.0: “IBM had moved just 600,000 copies of OS/2 in over three years [as of 1990] — of which 300,000 were ‘real’ sales — far fewer were actually in use”

edit: Minor typo in “This also suggests the price list here wasn't particularly current since it didn't include the IIx (September 1998)”, should be 1988.

> but the actual name TrueType appears nowhere in this presentation

I wonder what legal issues went on for this behind the scenes. If I'm reading USPTO correctly, IBM tried to trademark “truetype” in 1990 https://tsdr.uspto.gov/#caseNumber=74033404&caseSearchTy...

Great post — loved to see the System 7 alpha shots