Mine too.






All these games have simple dynamics that play out in interesting ways. KABOOM! is on the list for one reason in common with all these games, and that is the game ramps up to real human limits.

Flat out, not everyone can play these games to their potential.

The other common attribute all these have in common is they all can trigger what I call, "the trance" and I have heard others call, "The Zone." Basically, the world kind of fades away, leaving the game and you in a state where thought is action!

And that state is very highly addictive.

It also changes a person in subtle ways. When we reach that state, we become aware of our minds in a way not too many experiences can bring on.

Those simple dynamics in combination is where the magic lives! Each enemy has agency of sorts, and behaves in specific ways too.

All of that makes the game playable. If it were more random, it would just be frustrating. Some things are random, spawn points and such, but the rest is governed by rules intended to just punish the player while taking them to human limits!

Awesome gaming if you ask me.