I came from the 80's era. Apple 2 and Atari machines.

Had Apples in school, learned a ton, got one for home and have been using both ever since.

Today, I run an Apple 2 Platinum with a FastChip that can run Applesoft basic at 16 Mhz! That is fun. Have FujiNET devices on both Apple and my Atari 800XL.

I program in assembly for a lot of chips and enjoy hacking around on retro gear of all kinds. Also CRT displays are great. Mine still work and I hope that continues.

I really want a Tek vector storage computer some day. These are beautiful and I worked on one doing sheet metal back in the day.

And I want a CRT terminal I can augment into a full computer just for fun. (Without removing its original capability.)


What do you have, what do you want?

What makes you feel like playing?