I like this piece. In part 2 the author talks about the really small limited information space. Never really thought about it that way, but yeah. We all had a space of sorts and it varied widely.

My own was bit larher than the one described in the work here. Basically, I did end up with a well known programmer, school teachers, and in a bus ride away, the University library and copy machines! Hoo boy! The first time I snagged a 6502 instruction set, complete with programming model and cycle counts, detailed diagrams...

The answers to all my BASIC questions were in those pages!! But it was cryptic! A good friend and I started reading the ROM listing and were gathering any new info as quickly as we could.

The most surprising one turned out to be books and magazines from the grocery store! While Mom would shop, I would read bits here and there hoping for insight, often finding it.

Great times!