Apologies but Microsoft hack tricked you.

1) the video is in mode h 320x200x8. - not a lot of data to move. Even. Then.

2) The title and scrolls bars are fake and fixed like a tv border., like you maximized your browser window. (Not f11 full screen mind you). Stating at 1:15 you see paints and updates inside the window but no scrolling.or other windows.

3 ) The bouncing cube isn’t being streamed back. It’s just a bouncing cube demo trying to one up the Amiga bouncing ball. The cube is bouncing but if yiu look at the face of each cube its static texture map . At the 0:50 you can see a mouse appear and the clicks perturb the trajectory that means it’s not recorded or decoded video.

4) All the other image of JFK etc are just bmps being decoded like web gifs