I now have serious trepidation about my post and may delete it. Friend of a friend sent a link through Twitter to unix dude. But that has links to blobs from god knows where and no mention of any repo from anywhere. Ugggggh.
I equally now don’t trust the source forge source either , unless you know Andreas somehow and can vouch for them. The official website linked to from sourceforge is derelict with a last update from 2016 and version 1.4.
In 2023 a let’s encrypt script fixes this in 10 minutes and no automation linking. And thr gap of the last update from 2016 is huge. Feels like the project doesn’t have control. I just want people to learn and have a good time and not be in harms way while doing it.
I know jgrahamc would say I’m overthinking this. But I’m hopping they will weigh in and give wisdom as they do.
unixdude knows that his webpage is outdated and is working on an update (see the "What Needs to be done for a NeXT Emulator" thread in the Emulation / Virtualization subforum).