If you visit the page of a user of Two Stop Bits (e.g. http://twostopbits.com/user?id=jgrahamc) you see at the bottom links for comments (comments by that user), submissions (submissions by that user) and rss (an RSS feed of the user's activity).
It would be pretty easy for me to generate a list of tags that the user is interested in by looking at what they submitted and upvoted.
What do people think of me adding a section called "interests" which lists your tags?
One thing I would suggest/request to be fixed. I only see the set of tags when I first submit. However I often don't think about the tags until I see my post missing tags next to all the profesional posts that have them. However when I "edit" my post to fill them in the wonderful list of tags is missing. I'd rather see existing tags rather than creating accidental tag pollution.
Just my 2 bits