- This core is being used in Analogue's "3D" console: https://www.analogue.co/3d
- Interested in seeing the price point and what the final featureset is. An article seemed to list some pretty hard to accomplish features (savestates), but Analogue doesn't appear to be advertising it, which is odd.
I really wish we got openFPGA here, as I'd love to have access to those additional resources. Hopefully they produce some kind of home console that allows third party use.
- This is extremely cool, and puts my previous NESDev Compo entry to shame. I would be interested in learning about how building that over the course of a month fared. I've tried prototyping a 8 way scrolling roguelite, and it's not trivial (even ignoring the difficulty of 8 way scrolling).
- MiSTer (and MiST before it) is an amazing preservation project. So many systems have been cycle accurately emulated (though that doesn't mean they're 100% accurate), and even for the one's that aren't, it's really cool to have a usable PS1 or N64 with HDMI without having to go to a bunch of extra effort.
- Bolle has done so much cool stuff. I keep finding that there's some other board he reverse engineered.
- Also potentially of interest, my FPGA Tamagotchi: https://github.com/agg23/fpga-tamagotchi/
Both of these systems, being segmented LCDs and very slow CPUs, don't really receive benefits from being implemented in hardware, but users in environments like the Analogue Pocket and MiSTer like having a variety of systems available. These two projects have served as learning milestones as I self teach myself FPGA development.
Seeing the OpenFPGA platform not showing up on their other hardware is very strange and confusing. Hopefully this does get access to it eventually.
Also thank you for all your work in porting & dev on cores! I get endless enjoyment out of it!